Set Business Hours

The Business Hours feature in NeetoChat ensures that your customers know exactly when they can expect a response from your support team. If a customer tries to get in touch outside of your organization’s office hours, the chat widget will automatically inform them of your team's availability and when they will be back online. This helps set clear expectations, reducing frustration and improving customer satisfaction by letting them know when they can expect assistance.

Set Business Hours

How does the Business Hours feature work?

The Business Hours feature automatically informs customers who contact you outside of your set office hours about when your team will be available again. This helps manage customer expectations by letting them know when to expect a response.

Can I customize the message that appears outside of business hours?

Yes, you can customize the message that appears in the chat widget when customers try to reach you outside of your business hours. This allows you to provide specific details about your availability and any additional information they might need.

How do I set my business hours in NeetoChat?

You can set your business hours in NeetoChat by navigating to the settings and configuring the hours and days when your support team is available. The widget will then use this information to manage customer interactions outside of these times.

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