NeetoRecord BlogMilestone M32 updates

Milestone M32 updates

Chirag Shah

Chirag Shah

March 25, 2025

Let's go through what we got done in Milestone M32 (Mar 10 - Mar 23).


  • (Web) We made some improvements to the link expiry feature related to helper messages.

  • (Web) The basic info page on the web is now more cleaner and got some improvements.

  • (Web) We added a few fixes to make the title and summary generation faster.

Bug fixes

  • (Web) Fixed a bug where inviting users from access control was not sending emails.

  • (Web) Because of some recent changes, the embed functionality had a bug. This has been fixed now.

  • (Web) Sometimes the title spinner used to show indefinitely even when the title after the title was generated. This has been fixed.

  • (Web) For short videos (< 5 seconds) we dont generate the transcript. But we still used to show the spinner indicating that the transcript was being generated. We have hid the spinner now.

  • (Web) Fixed folder deletion which had soft deleted recordings.

  • (Desktop application) Fixed memory issues for long recording.

  • (Desktop application) Fixed "My videos" not being clickable.

  • (Desktop application) Fixed an issue with "Custom size" on Windows where discarding a recording caused subsequent recordings to fail.

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