Weekly Timesheet Verification

neetoInvoice ensures accurate time records by sending a weekly report on Saturdays at 9:00 AM in your local time zone. The report includes a new column to track timesheet verification. Simply click the Verify Timesheet button in the email to confirm the accuracy of your hours. The report will then update with the verification status. This feature promotes reliable entries, aids in billing and project management.

Weekly Timesheet Verification

How do I verify my timesheet?

In the weekly report email, there will be a verification button that allows you to verify your hours. By clicking the button, you can confirm that your timesheet is correct and verified.

Can I verify my timesheet at any time during the week?

No, verification link stays active till Sunday at 10:00 PM hence it's recommended to review and confirm the hours as soon as possible to maintain up-to-date and accurate records.

How does the verification status benefit admins?

The verification status allows admins to quickly identify which timesheets have been verified, ensuring that reliable data is used for billing and project management decisions.

Ready to simplify your time tracking & invoicing process?

Experience the simplicity of neetoInvoice now!